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  • Writer's pictureMadeline Gibbs

Life Be Crazy, huh?

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

Where to begin?

These last four weeks have been... mental. Crazy. Absurd. Impossibly hectic. Insane...


They've been busy.

"What's been happening, Maddi?" I hear you ask with a raised eyebrow as your face creases in concern.

Well, let me tell you.

09/17/2020 my husband and I drove to Raleigh, NC where I finally, after almost 5 years, this girl became a US CITIZEN!!! YAAAYYYY!!!

Thanks to Covid (actually not meant sarcastically for once), I had the Naturalization Ceremony right away. It was scary, but worth it. We all stood, six feet apart, of course, and recited the Oath we had all of us waited years to recite. After that, a brief and quiet applause from the skeleton staff at the USCIS centre followed, we were given our packages and sent on our way. In the space of an hour I'd gone from British citzen to proud dual citizen of the UK and USA.

We didn't have time to celebrate, however. We had to rush back to Greenville, where we currently live, to collect our toddler from the drop-in day care centre and head home.

Our happiness didn't last long, however. Within 18 hours, my whole world was turned upside-down as I got a call no wife ever wants to get: there had been a collision, and my husband was injured.

I could barely hold it together as I threw clothes on (it was about 7am) and explained to my still-sleepy son that his daddy was hurt and with the doctor. I'm not sure how much sense I was making and I vaguely remember him nodding, still heavy with sleep, and went back to eating his cookies and watching cartoons. My father-in-law arrived not long after and his brother, 'Uncle Jr', drove me to the ER (the wonders of having one car, amiright?).

Next thing I remember is walking into the room and seeing my husband lying very still on the bed, neck brace on and covered in glass and blood.

But he was alive.

I held onto that thought as I picked glass out of his face and talked to him. I had to. Couldn't think of any other way to stay focused, to stay strong for him... To stop myself losing my mind entirely.

Anyways! Since then it's been non-freaking-stop.

Doctor appointments, physiotherapy, concussion clinics, you name it.

And it took the darn cop like what, three weeks to publish the report?! Argh!

So stressed was I that I barely wrote anything the last month or so.

I even caught a virus (not Covid, thank goodness!) and have spent the last couple of days laid up in bed, feeling very sorry for myself.

SO, I decided to do something useful. I followed up on the queries I had sent out, marked which had been rejected (quite a lot, oh dear...) and began to engage again on my social medias. I also created an author's FB page at the advice of a fellow author, Mr P Meese.

Aaaaaaaaaand, well, here I am.

Life be crazy, dude.

Stay safe out there.

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